Fierce or Sleepy Dragon Pattern Part One of Three

When I first designed this dragon I made two, a green one and a red one but they remained faceless for a couple days while I thought about what I wanted the face to look like. I was taking photos of them when my youngest son came in. He played with them for a bit and then said,

"This green one should be a good and friendly dragon and this red one should be a fierce but good dragon. They should be named Dreams and Nightmare"
I just love those names so much! A light bulb went off in my head just then. I decided on two different looks for their faces. You will see instructions for the head that will give you either the sleepy head or the fierce head look. You decide what look you want your dragon to have. Dreams looks a little sleepy so I refer to "sleepy" or "fierce" in the instructions below.
Size: Dragon is 16 -18 inches tall. Please see the supplies list below for the amount of yarn needed.

How To Print This Pattern:
This is quite a long pattern. You can print it off by using a free service  here.

There are 3 parts to this pattern:
Part One ~ Written pattern scroll down this page
Part Two ~ Stuffing and shaping with photos here
Part Three ~ Assembly of Dragon here

This is a free pattern for all to enjoy. If you would like to leave a donation please do so by using the donation button also located at the bottom of this pattern. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated and do help me to keep on providing free patterns.
Thank you so much and enjoy!

2 rolls of Red Heart Super Saver yarn OR 1 jumbo roll of Red Heart Comfort yarn in any color for the head, body, tail, limbs, outer wings and head parts
a small amount of yarn in an alternate color for the inner wings and spikes
a very small amount for the eyeballs
4.5mm hook if you crochet loose and see gaps then try a smaller hook
blunt end yarn needle for sewing
polyester stuffing
depending on type of eye you make, a small button, safety eye, felt or scrap piece of yarn for the pupil
4 pipe cleaners (preferably a similar color as the outer wing)


st = stitch
sc = single crochet
sl st = slip stitch
hdc = half double crochet
dc = double crochet
2tog = crochet 2 stitches together
FLO = front loops only
f/o = finish off

*Please read the introduction at the top of this page which explains why there are 2 different instructions for the eyes and mouth. Look at the top for sizing, supplies needed and other important notes. There are videos that go through each section of the dragon if you need that extra help. There is also a page with photos and written instructions for each part if you prefer that to a video. See here.

Many of the rows of the body are worked in both hdc and sc, this is done for shaping. The areas with hdc's are more relaxed. When you stuff the dragon be sure to shape as you stuff. Refer to the videos and photos (link to those at bottom of this pattern) to help you get a better idea how the shape is supposed to look. Do not worry if you see stuffing showing through the stitches on the front side of the dragon as you will be sewing a tummy patch over this entire area.
There videos for each part of the dragon, I've including some links right in the parts themselves, There is also a written instruction page with photos if you prefer that to a video. See here.

Starting at the bottom of the body working up to the neck.


1) magic circle with 6sc (6)
2) 2hdc in each (12) add a marker in last st of this row and move marker at the end of
each row
3) 2hdc in each st (24)
4) 1hdc then 2hdc in the next st, repeat to marker (36)
5) 1hdc in the next 5st then 2hdc in the next st, repeat to marker (42)
6) 1hdc in the next 6st then 2hdc in the next st, repeat to marker (48)
7) 1hdc in the next 7st then 2hdc in the next st, repeat to marker (54)
8) 1hdc in the next 27st then 1sc in the next 27st (54)
9-15) repeat row 8 for 7 rows
16) 1sc in the next 3st then 1hdc next 21st then 1sc in the next 30st (54)
17) 1sc in the next 4st then 1hdc in the next 18st then repeat this next sequence, (1sc in next 6st then sc2tog), to the marker. When you land on the marker you should be crocheting 2st together (50)
18) 1sc in the next 8st then 2tog, repeat to marker (45)
19) 1sc in the next 5st then 1hdc in the next 15st then 1sc in next 25st (45)
20) 1sc in the next 3st then 2tog, repeat sequence 5 times. Then 1sc in next 20st (40)
21) 1sc in the next 8st then 2tog, repeat to marker (36)
22) 1sc in the next 6st then 1hdc in next 12st, 1sc in next 18st (36)
23) repeat row 22
24) 1sc in the next 4st then 2tog, repeat to marker (30)
25) 1sc in each st for 1 row
stuff body, shape as you stuff
26) 1sc in the next 8st then 1hdc in next 10st, 1sc in next 12st (30)
27-29) repeat row 26 for 3 rows
30) 1sc in the next 3st then 2tog, repeat to marker (24)
31) 1sc in each st for 1 row
32) 1sc in the next 4st then 2tog, repeat to marker (20)
33) 1sc in the next 6st then 1hdc in next 8st then 1sc in next 6st (20)
34) 1hdc in the next 6st then 1sc in next 8st then 1hdc in next 6st (20)
35) repeat row 34
36) 1hdc in the next 6st then 1sc in next 2st then sc2tog then sc2tog then 1sc in next 4st, then 1hdc in next 4st (18)
37) 1hdc in the next 7st then 1sc in next 8st, 1hdc in next 3st (18)
stuff more, shape as you stuff
38) 2hdc in the next 5st then 1hdc in next 2st, then 1sc in next 2st then sc2tog then 1sc in next 7st (22)
39) 1hdc in the next 13st then 1sc in next 2st then sc2tog, sc2tog, then 1sc in next 3st (20)
40) 1hdc in the next 10st then 1sc in next 10st (20)
41-42) repeat row 40 for 2 rows
43) 1sc in next 8st then 2tog, repeat to marker (18)
stuff and shape as you stuff
44-47) 1sc in each st for 4 rows
48) 1sc in next 4st then 2tog, repeat to marker (15)
49) 1sc in each st for 1 row
50) 1sc in next 3st then 2tog, repeat to marker (12)
sl st next st and f/o leaving a tail for sewing. Stuff firmly so that when you sew the head in place the neck does not flop over or wrinkle. You can use wire, just be sure to loop and tape the ends of the wire so they never poke through. I used wire in one of my dragons and no wire for the others. There is no real difference except I can pose the one head a bit more than the others.

Head: for this part and the rest of the dragon parts, the sequences given are to be repeated to the marker. Make sure to use a marker and move the marker at the end of every row . Video here
1) magic circle with 6sc (6)
2) 2sc in each st (12)
3) 1sc then 2sc in next st (18)
4) 1sc in next 2st then 2sc in next st (24)
5) 1sc in next 3st then 2sc in next st (30)
6) 1sc in next 4st then 2sc in next st (36)
7-11) 1sc in each st for 5 rows
12) 1sc in next 4st then 2tog (30)
13) 1sc in each st for 1 row
14) 1sc in next 3st then 2tog (24)
15-18) 1sc in each st for 4 rows
19) 1sc in next 2st then 2tog (18)
20-21) 1sc in each st for 2 rows
22) 2sc in next 6 FLO then 2sc in next 12st (36)
23) 1hdc in next 12 FLO then 1sc in next 24st (36)
24) 1hdc in next 12st then repeat this sequence, 1sc in next 4st then 2tog, to the marker (32)
25) 1hdc in next 12st then 1sc in next 20st (32)
stuff snout, shape as you stuff
26-27) repeat row 25 for 2 rows
28) 1sc in each st for 1 row
29) 1sc in next 6st then 2tog (28)
30) 1sc in next 5st then 2tog (24)
31) 1sc in next 2st then 2tog (18)
stuff head. The hdc's are the top of the head and you should be stuffing and shape accordingly. Please view the photos OR video if unsure how to properly stuff and shape.
32) 1sc then 2tog (12)
sl st next st and f/o leaving a tail for sewing. Weave in and out of the FLO of the stitches.
stuff more and shape as you stuff.
Pull tight and knot off. Hide yarn tail inside head.

Nostrils: Video here
Insert hook in between the 6th and 7th row or 7th and 8th row (depends on how firmly you stuffed, eye it up and choose by what would look better) ch 1 then make 3dc in first space and 3dc in next space, sl st into next space then f/o. There should be at least 4 visible stitch holes between nostrils. Shape the nostrils and sew the yarn tails into the head.

Ears: work starting yarn tail into 2nd or 3rd row. Video here
1) magic circle  with 6sc (6)
2) 2sc in each (12)
3) 1sc then 2sc in next st (18)
4) 1sc in next 2st then 2sc in next st (24)
sl st next st and f/o leaving a tail for sewing.
roll and sew the end to hold the shape. One end should be closed and the other end open like a rolled taco. Make sure to roll the 2nd ear in the opposite direction so the ears match when sewn onto the dragon.

Top Eyelid for Fierce but Friendly Dragon Video for all the eye parts here
1) ch8 begin with a long enough starting tail to sew into the head
2) start with 2nd ch from hook, 1sc in each ch (7) ch1 and turn
3) 1sc, 1hdc, 2dc next 3st, 1hdc, sl st last st
f/o leaving a long tail for sewing

Bottom Eyelid for Fierce but Friendly Dragon

1) ch8 begin with a long enough starting tail to sew into the head
2) start with 2nd ch from hook, 1sc, 1hdc next 5st, sl st last st (7)
f/o leaving a long tail for sewing

Eyeball for Fierce but Friendly Dragon

1) magic circle  with 6sc (6)
2) 2sc in each (12)
3) 1sc in each st for 1 row
sl st next st and f/o. Cut yarn tail shorter and tuck behind eye when ready to sew to the head. Use colored yarn whip stitch on a pupil, play around with it. I did one with colored yarn then black in the middle, it looks pretty cool that way.

Top Eyelid for Sleepy Looking Dragon
1) ch8 begin with a long enough starting tail to sew into the head
2) start with 2nd ch from hook, 1sc then 1dc next 5st then sl st last st
f/o leaving a long tail for sewing

Bottom Eyelid for Sleepy Looking Dragon
1) ch6
f/o leaving a long tail for sewing

Eyeball for Sleepy Looking Dragon
1) magic circle with 6sc (6)
sl st next st and f/o. Cut yarn tail shorter and tuck behind eye when ready to sew to the head. Sew a solid button onto the circle.
You can glue this whole piece to the head or sew it to the head

Mouth for Both Dragons Video here
1) magic circle with 6sc (6)
2) 2sc in each (12)
3) 1sc then 2sc in next st (18)
4) 1sc in next 2st then 2sc in next st (24)
for rows 5-8 start in 2nd st from hook
5) 1sc in next 5st then ch1 and turn
6) 1sc in next 5st then ch1 and tun
7) 1sc in next 5st then ch1 and turn
8) 1sc in next 5st then ch1 and turn
9) 1sc in next 5st then (for Sleepy Dragon f/o here leaving a long tail for sewing) for Fierce Dragon continue on: ch1 and continue down the edge, 1sc in next 5 spaces. Once you reach the rounded part of the mouth, ch1 then 1sc in same stitch, ch1 then 1sc in next stitch, repeat all the way around until you reach the corner of the straight edge, 1sc in next 5 spaces, f/o leaving a long tail for sewing.

Arms: Video here
1) magic circle with 6sc (6)
2) 1sc in next 2st then 2sc in next st (8)
3) 1sc in next 3st then 2sc in next st (10)
4-16) 1sc in each st for 13 rows
17) 2sc in each st (20)
18) make 4 fingers

Legs: video here
1) magic circle with 6sc (6)
2) 2sc in each (12)
3) 1sc then 2sc in next st (18)
4) 1sc in next 2st then 2sc in next st (24)
5) 1sc in next 3st then 2sc in next st (30)
6-8) 1sc in each st for 3 rows
9) 1sc in next 2st then 2tog, repeat sequence until there is 6st left to the marker (the stitch holding the marker is included in that count), put 1sc in each of those 6st (24)
10) 1sc then 2tog (16)
11-14) 1sc in each st for 4 rows
sl st next st and f/o leaving a long tail for sewing. Stuff and shape foot, lightly stuff leg

Tail: video here
1) magic circle with 6sc (6)
2-6) 1sc in each st for 5 rows
7) 1sc in next 2st then 2sc in next st (8)
8-10) 1sc in each st for 3 rows
11) 1sc in next 3st then 2sc in next st (10)
12-14) 1sc in each st for 3 rows
15) 1sc in next 4st then 2sc in next st (12)
16-18) 1sc in each st for 3 rows
19) 1sc in next 3st then 2sc in next st (15)
20-22) 1sc in each st for 3 rows
23) 1sc in next 4st then 2sc in next st (18)
24-26) 1sc in each st for 3 rows
27) 1sc in next 2st then 2sc in next st (24)
28-30) 1sc in each st for 3 rows
31) 1sc in next 3st then 2sc in next st (30)
32-34) 1sc in each st for 3 rows
35) 1sc in next 4st then 2sc in next st (36)
36-38) 1sc in each st for 3 rows
39) 1sc in next 5st then 2sc in next st (42)
40-42) 1sc in each st for 3 rows
43) 1sc in next 6st then 2sc in next st (48)
44-46) 1sc in each st for 3 rows
sl st next st and f/o leaving a long tail for sewing
*Instructions for the tail ridge and tail spike are in part two. OR view the video for adding the ridge and spikes here

Tummy Patch: with alternate color. video here
for rows using hdc always ch2 and turn and start with 3rd st from hook,
for rows using sc always ch1 and turn and start with 2nd st from hook,
1) ch21
2) starting with 2nd ch from hook, 1sc in each ch (20)
3-11) 1hdc in each st for 9 rows (20)
12) 1sc in next 3st then 2tog, repeat to marker (16)
13-14) 1hdc in each st for 2 rows
15) 1sc in next 2st then 2tog (12)
16-17) 1hdc in each st for 2 rows
18) 1sc in next 4st then 2tog (10)
19) 1hdc in each st for 1 row
20) 1sc in next 3st then 2tog (8)
21-25) 1hdc in each st for 5 rows
26) 1sc in next 2st then 2tog (6)
27-33) 1hdc in each st for 7 rows
34) 1sc then 2tog (4)
35) 1hdc in each st for 1 row
36) 1sc in each st for 1 row
f/o leaving a long tail for sewing

I did not design left or right, you make 2 of each for the outer and inner wing.
More details about the wings is given with photos in part 2 here
Video for making and assembling the wings here

Outer Wing: with body color make 2
1) ch16
2) start in 2nd ch from hook, 1sc in each ch (15) ch2 and turn,
3) start in 3rd st from hook, 1hdc in next 11st, ch3 and turn,
4) start in 4th st from hook, 1hdc in next 9st then sc2tog , ch2 and turn
5) start in 3rd st from hook, 1hdc in next 7st, ch3 and turn,
6) start in 4th st from hook, 1hdc in next 5st then sc2tog
working now along the edge to the left of your last st, you'll have to push your hook through, 2tog then 2tog then 2tog then 1sc in the outer loop of the corner. Next, working along the outer loops of the row, 1sc in each of the 15 outer loops, ch1 then working in both loops, sc around the edge and to the first inner corner, now you have to push your hook through, continue working with sc. Working along the edge of the wing tips you will have to push through what was the chain of 3 we made, push through single loops of that chain. Work in both loops of stitches when you can and work along the very outer edge of the wing trying your best to maintain the shape. Once you get all the way around, f/o leaving a long tail for sewing.

Inner Wing: with alternate color make 2
1) ch14
2) start in 2nd ch from hook, 1sc in each ch (13) ch2 and turn,
3) start in 3rd st from hook, 1hdc in next 9st, ch3 and turn,
4) start in 4th st from hook, 1hdc in next 7st then sc2tog , ch2 and turn
5) start in 3rd st from hook, 1hdc in next 5st, ch3 and turn,
6) start in 4th st from hook, 1hdc in next 3st then sc2tog
working now along the edge to the left of your last st, you'll have to push your hook through, 2tog then 2tog then 2tog then 1sc in the outer loop of the corner. Next, working along the outer loops of the row, 1sc in each of the 13 outer loops, ch1 then working in both loops, sc around the edge and to the first inner corner, now you have to push your hook through, continue working with sc. Working along the edges of the wing tip you will have to push through what was the chain of 3 we made, push through loops of that chain. Work in both loops of stitches when you can and work along the very outer edge of the wing trying your best to maintain the shape. Once you get all the way around, f/o. You do not use these yarn tails for sewing, they will get tucked in between the wing pieces.

Stuffing shaping and assembly for the Dragon:
Part 2: How to stuff and shape the parts here
Part 3: How to assemble the dragon here

Video playlist  here

Why donating is important and my thank you here.

Copyright 2016 Author: Sharon Ojala - Amigurumi To Go All rights reserved


  1. Hi! Thanks you so much for this amazing pattern! At the top where you say 2 bundles of Red Heart Super Saver yarn, how much yarn is in the bundle that you are talking about? I have two rolls with 364 yds of yarn, and I was wondering if one would be enough, because I was hoping to double up and make a large dragon. Thank you so much!!!!

    1. I have package details on my FAQ page right here see question #3

      I said 2 rolls of the super saver yarn because I think I used up a whole roll, lol. I had 2 rolls, one had some missing but I don't know how much when I started. I just needed a little bit of the 2nd roll when the 1st one ran out. So I say 2 rolls but you will not use up 2 rolls for sure.

  2. I was wondering how you make two headed one that I saw on Facebook or do you have instructions on how to do it? Thank you so much for sharing your creations,much appreciated Sharon

    1. I have those planned for the future.

      I would predict a month or more down the road, maybe.. I really can't promise a date for the 2-headed ones. I'll need a bit of a break once I get the 3rd part and videos done for this large dragon. Plus I have some other parts like the marshmallow and fire I'll need to get posted as well.

      Thanks for asking

  3. Thank you and I'll be looking forward to two headed one. Thanks again Sharon

  4. Hi Sharon, thank you for the pattern. I was looking forward to crochet your dragons. I am in the process of crocheting it. I think I will do Dreams first. Once I am done (it might take awhile) I will post it on your Facebook page. :)

    All the best,

  5. Sharon one more question please can I use thick Bernet baby blanket yarn for bigger dragon or will that not work?

    1. I can't see why it wouldn't work. I haven't tried it though so I have no advice to give, sorry! I have seen some of my patterns worked up in that yarn and posted on my facebook page and they are always so adorable and soft looking. I have to try that yarn out myself one day!

      I think it would work just fine. Let me know if you try :)

  6. And forgot to say you're so welcome my friend and many blessings to you and your family. Love the names children comes up with.LOL

    1. aren't kids the best ever, lol I love their brains. He just named the 3rd one Wisdom but then decided it should be Winter then thought Wisdom was better, haha we'll see what he settles on :)

  7. Thank you for another awesome pattern, missed you here lately!!

  8. Again an amazing pattern of your hand. I love your two dragons. Thanks for sharing this pattern.

    Have a pleasant day, Margaret

  9. What a wonderful design. Thank you so much!

  10. I am so excited about this one. I have checked every day since you posted the first pic. I am going to start in Dreams today. It's so refreshing to see someone share their great talent with others. I have never even thought about trying amigurumi until I saw your site. You are such a wonderful teacher, so easy to understand. I have MS, so using my hands daily is a must, my doctor loves that I'm doing this too. Thank you so much for your heart and your golden hands!

  11. I love your two dragons, they are so cute. Thanks for sharing the pattern.

    Have a nice day, Tinne

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. yes you can translate. Please add a link directly to part two of the pattern which is the parts and pieces and soon there will be a part three for the assembly. A link just to this blog does not help, there needs to be a link to part two or part three or both. Check back for updates as I am still updating this pattern with links to videos.

  13. I love these cute dragons, I agree the names your son came up with for them are great too. I am not very good knitting or crocheting but would love to give these a go. I hope you don't mind me pinning a link on Pinterest to your clever creations.

  14. Thank you so much for this cuteeee pattern and the video instruction. This must be a lot of work. I'll have to spare my time and finish one of them. Thank you

  15. Hi Sharon,
    I love all your patterns,I am in process doing your incredible dragon also watching your videos not missing any of them ,I am having trouble understanding the
    Mouth for Both Dragons,after row 4 what do you mean
    *for rows 5-8 start in 2nd st from hook?
    Thanks&you are amazing .

    1. that video is uploading right now. You will be working in rows not rounds for rows 5-8. Once you ch1 and turn you have to crochet back across and you start each row in the 2nd st.
      It just means skip over that ch1 you make before turning. Hopefully that helped but if not, the mouth video should be ready to view in a couple hours

  16. Thanks so much for this super fun pattern! I can't wait to try it. The names are pretty appropriate as well! I'm a huge fan of you designs and patterns and I love your teaching style. Because of you I was able to give my kids these figures and never had to buy a stuffed animal for them! They love them!

  17. Agradecida con todas tus atenciones, excelente patrón, me encantó y lo haré aunque despacio pues no se hablar ingles aunque con tus vídeos puedo entender el paso a paso. Muchas gracias Sharon.

  18. oh my goodness thank you. i have been searching for a dragon pattern that is cute. would be fun to figure out a 3 headed one....i am thinking crochet to a certain row and attach on sides of head...what is your thought ?

  19. Oh how wonderful your blog is Sharon, and so kind of you to let us all share your wonderful designs!....I am fairly new to crochet, but can't wait to do a dragon....thankyou.

  20. Hi, thanks for your pattern. I like the dragons so much. I am making the arms at the moment, but I don't know how I should make fingers. Can you help me? Greets Marieke.

    1. There are videos for each part of the dragon. I just added the link to the arm section itself. The rest of the video links can be found at the bottom of the pattern.

    2. Thank you very much!

  21. Just found your blog from the Ravelry link for this pattern and I am SOO EXCITED!! I make presents to give to kids who otherwise wouldn't have Christmas gifts and your amigurumi patterns are definitely going to be used.

    I've got a Fierce dragon started (completed the body and head so far) and I've found 6 other patterns to chose from next.

    Thank you so much for making these patterns and for offering them for free. I'm so inspired by you!

  22. I love dragons so much and have been looking for a good dragon pattern for a long time but there are so few around. These are really cute and I love how you've made 2 different facial expressions for them. They're so good. :)

  23. Thank you very much. My son started jumping up and down when I asked him if he would like one of this. He's always asking if I finished it, LOL. Just started though.

  24. What a lovely site. Our high school mascot is a dragon, so I may have to make one in Blue and White!! Thanks so much for posting free patterns. So cute.

  25. Thank you very much for this pattern !
    He is fantastic!
    I posted a help in French here:
    (I read in the FAQ that we could, but I prefer to indicate it here. To be sure ) ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

    1. that's great!

      I checked out your page. Thank you for providing a good translation and links to videos and the original. I added a link to your translation at the top of this pattern page, in the introduction.

      I will use you page as a good example for other translators to follow. It's perfect!

      Have a lovely day,
      Sharon Ojala

    2. I also added the link to your translation to Ravelry.

      Thanks again!

    3. I'm really happy that my translation pleases you.
      So beautiful compliments move me. (〃・ω・〃)
      Thank you very much Sharon. (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧

    4. you're welcome! I'm so glad you translated the pattern, that is wonderful.
      I just added your link in my frequently asked question page so other translators can see it too :)

    5. Thank you very much for this pattern. I am heading to the end of sewing parts together and found a prob with the wings.maybe I don't know but should they be different becsuse they are like in miror.

    6. I've made 4 of them now and countless other people have made them and not had a problem with them. Once they are sewn together, they look fine.

    7. Sharon, you saved my life with this link in french :) !

  26. I have tried using the Bernat blanket yarn with other patterns that are worked in a continuous circle and not join but I can't get it to work. It throws off the shape. Don't really know why. Maybe someone could tell me.

  27. Sharon, I thoroughly admire your talent of designing your patterns. Your site is the best I have ever seen. Thank you.

  28. Hi Sharon. I am currently working on your sleepy dragon pattern and am really enjoying watching him come together. I have a question with regards to the wings though... in order for them to be left and right wings is it correct that I have to sew both right sides (inner and outer wing) facing for left wing and then both wrong sides (inner and outer) facing for the right wing? If I sewed the wings the same then one is upside down. Am I doing something wrong? Hope this makes sense.

    1. I did not design a left and right so you have to sew them together, left and right.
      Lay all 4 pieces out on the floor then assemble the inner and outer together.
      If unsure, pin the inner and the outer together for both sides then pin them to the dragon and see how they look. Of course, there will be no pointy shapes until you have the pipe cleaner sewn around them but you'll get an idea how they will look.
      I show how to assemble and sew the inner and out wings together in the video if you need help with that.
      Hope that helps

    2. I just finished crocheting everything and just noticed this about the wings. I'm assuming one of the outer/inner is going to be the "wrong side", as in, the back side. Is this correct? Won't that make the stitching look off as one is right side and the other is back side? Because the stitching does look different on each side?? I've already sewn both inners to the outer so I'm assuming I will need to make another one? Please help...thanks

    3. This Dragon pattern has 3 parts to it.
      Part one gives you instructions to all the parts of the dragon.
      Part 2 tells you about each of those parts, how to stuff and/or shape.
      Part 3 tells you how to assemble the dragon.

      If you scroll down to the bottom of the pattern there you will find a link list for stuffing, shaping and assembly.

      The wings are talked about in more detail in part 2.

      I'll copy and paste the beginning of the wing section as given in part 2 and then you can see the pictures and get the video link here :

      I did not design left and right. There are 4 pieces that make up the wings. 2 outer wings, same color as body and 2 inner wings that are made with an alternate color.

      Lay them out first to see how they will look. View the photos below to get the idea of how they will look when they are done."

    4. Yes, I followed the video, but it does not say to sew one of them on the backside to make a right wing, and thats what I need confirmed because I can't figure out how to make them left/right otherwise.

    5. Lay them out first to see how they will look ~> (should look once sewn on the back of the dragon then sew accordingly)

      View the photos I provided, go to part 2, I gave the link above, scroll down to the wing section, there is a clear photo showing how they look when being sewn together.
      Assemble them as I laid them out for you in the photos before sewing.

    6. Let me try and explain it a different way because I don't think you're understanding what I'm asking. I know how to place them, but they both are one sided, so one will be upside down when you put them together, & not "left/right" wings, so on one of the wings, do I need to turn both outer and inner wing to the backside and then sew it together so it will make it a "right wing".


    7. I know what you mean, I guess I'm not explaining it right. I should have added, yes, flip what you need to create a left and right. There will be a slight difference in the look of the stitches on the 2 wings. You'll see one has been flipped when you lay them out in the way that they should be sewn on with a left and right.

      But the difference is super minor once they are all sewn together and even more so once they are sewn to the dragon. You can't tell unless you're looking for it.

      I know some have a hard time to wrap their mind around them being identical pieces with no left or right, so don't feel badly, you're not the only one who asked.

      I was going to redesign them but at the time (2016) I was unwell, fighting an illness that would land me in the hospital soon after uploading the videos so never did get back to them. Most people find them okay as they are once sewn together, (when I asked on my fb page), so I decided to leave them.

      Hope that helps. Thanks clarifying your questions.

    8. Glad you did understand, lol, I just thought you were misunderstanding my question because it wasn't being answered 😉. But yes, this explanation answered it...I figured that was how it was done, but I wanted confirmation before wasting yarn and redoing another wing. Everything was easy to make and when there was something I got stuck on, I turned to the video to watch and picked up right away what I was doing wrong. Everything is made and ready to assemble. The customer said, even not put together, he is cute, lol. I can't wait to upload my finished product. Thank you for the speedy responses. I know it's hard trying to type out what someone needs and trying to explain, haha~

    9. awesome, I'm so glad we worked through that together, lol

      Yes, super hard to explain via comments and messages for sure. I'm so glad your customer thinks it's cute already! That's always wonderful to hear.

      Have fun with assembly, don't hesitate to ask should there be anymore questions.

  29. about how much stuffing will I need?

  30. I've started my journey with crocheting just recently and I have to say-YOU ARE MY MENTOR!:)So far I've done Caroline and a cute white little bunny. At the moment I am doing sleepy looking dragon. Thank you so much for all the tutorials and patterns.You are amazing!!Gosia

  31. This pattern is FABULOUS! Am so enjoying making it, the dragon is looking fabulous and it's by far my favourite make in a long time!

  32. Such sweet little dragons! Thank you for sharing!

  33. Hi Sharon, first of all, thanks so much for sharing these wonderful patterns with everyone! That's so generous of you :)
    I hope you can help me out, I seem to have a little problem with the dragons. The bodies are twistet to the right. The first dragon I made wasn't too bad, I just saw that the Tummy patch didn't fit 100% and assumed, that I stuffed it wrong. But the second dragon's head is turnd about 45 degrees away from the tummy. I started over but it happened again. I'm certain that I'm counting the rows right and I'm also using markers. Still it looks as if with every row the body turns one more stitch to the right. Any idea where the problem might be?
    Btw, that dragon that worked out well was a B-day present for the little boy I babysit. He's completely in love with it, takes it everywhere and even brought it to school for sharing. So thank you again so much for sharing and making people happy :)

  34. Hi Ms. Ojala,

    I just started crocheting recently, and I made an elephant using your pattern! It took me around 5 days. I am rather slow, and I'm sure it would have taken longer had I not been at home as often as I was.

    For this reason, I wanted to ask:
    How long do you think this dragon will take me? Or if you can't answer that, how long did it take you?

    Thank you so much for your patterns and videos - I've bookmarked basically all of them and I'm excited to try them :)

    Happy holidays and new year!

  35. Hi Sharon I just finished my second dragon I made one for my oldest grandson and the one I just finished is for my step son. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful patterns. My next project is the Monkey.

    1. Hi Melissa,

      I'm so glad you enjoyed the pattern, that means a lot.

      You're very welcome and thank you for taking the time to comment.

      Happy crocheting 2017!

  36. thank you so much, I have just finished one for my son.

  37. Sharon, you have made crocheting possible for me!!

    1. aww I'm so thrilled to hear that :)

      Happy crocheting!!

  38. Thank you so much for sharing your pattern and especially making it print friendly, too! I am currently working on something, but plan on making a dragon sleep sack and a dragon hat for my grandson, for Christmas this year, so this should fit in nicely!

  39. Hi I've tried to find you on Facebook but I can't x

    1. my social media buttons are on the upper, right side of this page. Here's my facebook page Amigurumi Freely

  40. Hi my name is yani
    Love your animal crochet it is very easy to follow.
    Do you,have the Patten for pelica if you have could you posted on your web

  41. thanks for your free pattern crochet few of them and learn a lot about amigurumi crochet

  42. I have been enjoying this pattern so much! The wings seemed a bit small so I played around with trying to enlarge them... with little luck.
    I ended up mixing both colours and crocheting with both strands, making just the inner wing portion. So far it looks really good and I'm really happy with the size. Not too far off finished now and I feel like he's getting a friend soon too!

  43. What kind of stitch do you mean by "st"?

    1. the pattern is worked in both half double crochet and in single crochet. A stitch is one of those completed.

      If you're referring to row 1, a loop with 6st, you can start it off with 6hdc or 6sc, it doesn't matter. I already had tutorials available for a loop with 6 single crochets so I linked those in row 1.

      The pattern has a full tutorials to get you through each row, how to stuff and shape, and how to sew it together.

  44. I'm trying to make the arms but there's no written instruction on how to make the fingers ��

    1. you'll have to use the video that is provided in that section, right at the start of the arm section it says video here, click the word "here"
      OR if you do not want to watch a video
      I do have written instructions on making fingers, so follow the arm pattern in the dragon then look at this tutorial, I explain how to do them here

    2. Hopefully you enjoyed the rest of the pattern, it was an extremely time consuming pattern to put together (June 2016) but I did my best with written, photo, and video to help as much as I could. Not everyone will appreciate the amount of time I put into this one but I'm sure you will.

  45. Hi. I love your patterns. I wanted to ask that the written pattern for the body is different from the one in video. In video you say 1sc and than 2sc in round three while in written it is 2 hdc in round 2,3 and so on. Am i missing something here?

    1. thanks!
      You are definitely watching the wrong video for the body. I just updated the written pattern with a link to the body video. Scroll up, just before the written pattern for the body starts I wrote in all caps, "The video tutorial for the body is here". Click on the word here and that will bring you to the right video.
      There is a playlist for the dragon videos as well, look for that and in all the titles it will tell you what part each video is for.
      Thanks for asking!

  46. This is - by far - the BEST written pattern I have ever had the pleasure of using, and I have made hundreds of critters over the last 5 years. The links to the step-by-step video tutorials take it off the charts. I would love to see any other patterns you have written!

    1. wow, thank you very much. I sure appreciate that. I'm thrilled to know you enjoyed the dragon :)

      I have over 100 patterns on this blog you are commenting on. I've been designing and writing for 7 years. The view will differ depending on what device you are viewing from but on the right side of the page there is a label list of patterns. Click on any label to bring up more patterns such as monkey, bear and so on.

      Thanks again. Happy crocheting!

    2. I second this! I’ve begun making the dragon pattern and it is SO nice to be able to reference the video if something in the written pattern doesn’t make sense to me.

  47. Thanks for the patterns and videos. I am good at reading patterns, but the videos definitely helped more. One tip I found useful. When adding the spines up the back, I found I was going crooked. I basted 2 lines all the way up to the neck. I then just stayed between the lines.

  48. Hi ,I'm really looking forward to making this for my son, but I just wanted to know before I start, is this written in U.S. terms or U.K.?

    1. U.S.
      there's an abbreviation chart closer to the top of this page, be sure to look at that. Thanks for asking

  49. Hi Sharon, many thanks for the pattern.

    May I check if the marshmallow n stick video/written patterns are up?
    I’m so eager to finish off dreams!

    1. yes, they are. If you scroll up this page look to the right side, there is a search bar. Type in "Roasting Marshmallow" and it will come up for you.
      Thanks for asking!

    2. I just noticed I didn't have it listed in the label list so I fixed that. Scroll up, look to the right for the list. Look for "marshmallow" click on that word and the pattern will come up there too.

  50. Mucha la muchas gracias !! Sosnuna genia !! Thanks thanks thanks you are the best !!❤️❤️😍😘

  51. Hi! I love the dragons and was thinking about trying to do one �� do you think it would be possible to use the Himalaya Dolphin Baby year, the plush one? I like the idea of having a big soft dragon..

  52. Hola Sharon!!
    Muchas gracias por tu patrón son super monos. Los quiero hacer pronto para mi sobrino. Un saludo

  53. Merci je suis en train de faire le dragon endormi. Il est splendide!! And the pattern is very simple with vidéos. Thank you very much

  54. I am new to crocheting but my grandson love dragons so thank you for sharing these lovely patterns, and I will be trying them out myself will put them on show on Facebook when finished once again thank you for sharing these patterns

  55. Hello, thanks for the great instructions. It is written so understandably and for particularly difficulties you can look in the video tutorial. Great! I crocheted for the first time and immediately made this dragon. He looks mega, thanks to your guidance. Thank you!!! I´ve posted it on Instagram :-)

  56. Silly question maybe, but as an intermediate crocheter of 50+ years, about how long does one dragon take? Can 2 be done in 2 weeks? I am retired and have plenty of time!! Educated guess??????? Thanks!

  57. I made this dragon my first amigarumi. I have to say that your tutorials are the VERY BEST I have every seen. You are a fantastic teacher. Love that you didn't feel you had to show every single stitch. Thank you for your work.

  58. Thank you so much for this! You've set this up so well that a beginner like me can follow it. You're awesome!

  59. Can you take a guess on how long it takes to make one dragon?

    1. the time it takes for one dragon would vary greatly from person to person. It depends on the individual's level of experience and speed. It's a large dragon, between 16 and 18 inches tall, depending on yarn and hook used. I never timed myself but if you're very fast a day maybe, that's including sewing it all together. It's been a couple years since I've made one myself. Sorry, wish I could give you a better answer.

  60. Thank you so much for the wonderful design and the perfect instructions. It has been a pleasure making and gifting the dragons I made.

  61. The names of these dragons are amazing! Thank you for the pattern! I hope to make a cool dragon! :)

  62. Dear Sharon, I want to thank you so much for this wonderful dragon pattern. Your instractions are so detailed and clear. You hide nothing and you give it all for free. Only a kind and giving person, like I am sure you are, does such generous acts. I have just finished crocheting and attaching all pieces together and it came out very nicely. Tomorrow a happy kid, with special needs will get it. You have made it possible for me, to make him- happy. Thanks

    1. aww! I'm so so happy to read your message, thank you! That went straight to my heart. It's a wonderful thing you've done for that precious boy, thank you for doing that. It really means a lot to me to know my patterns are used in such a way.
      Happy new year to you!

  63. Thank you so much for sharing your pattern. I have made five dragons so far, all as gifts. The joy your patterns bring is irreplaceable. Thanks with so much gratitude.

  64. Also, on the bottom eyelid for dreams, is it only chain 6? Because that's all that's written? 1) ch6
    f/o leaving a long tail for sewing

    1. yes, that's for the sleepy looking dragon. There's another eyelid pattern above that one for the fiercer looking dragon, it has 2 rows. It doesn't matter which one you use. Use the one you like best or modify to your own liking.

    2. Okay, thanks. My 1st comment was asking what a good asking price is for this but it seems it didn't make it up. This is my 1st request for making an amigurumi, so I have no clue on what to charge....any suggestions? Thanks

    3. oh sorry, I didn't see it.. I don't sell amigurumis myself but I would think at least 30 to 35 for the dragon and then add on your materials. I'm just ball parking that number, 30 to 35 might be too low. Don't be afraid to charge what your time is worth. Best of luck!

  65. My boys absolutely LOOOVE this pattern! I made several already!

  66. Help, which part of the pattern is the tummy, I would like to try and do a different colour like in the picture please x

    1. it's part of the pattern, just scroll down the pattern until you see the heading "Tummy Patch" and you can use any color you wish to.

  67. Absolutely the BEST dragons I have seen, thanQ from the 2 new grandsons...they will love them. Suzy Q on Telegram Matrixxx Grooove Show shared "Sleepy" with us. ThanQ for sharing the pattern with me. love it and you...

  68. 20 inch tall dragon, a nice challenge. How do I add pictures?

    1. on facebook or instagram. Unfortunately there's no option here

  69. Hi Sharon. Thank you so much for the pattern. I'm a huge dragon lover and when u seen this pattern I said to myself I have to make this. I'm working on the fingers right now and I'm Frustrated. Can't seem to get the 3 finger together. Keep watching the video. And still having issues. But I will figure it out. Thank you again.

  70. I found it most annoying to not have written instructions for the fingers. I bought a written pattern and kind of expected all the instructions to be there. Instead I have to go online and watch a video which is not always convenient.

    1. The pattern is written, in it’s entirety, on this blog, it is in 3 parts, each part is linked at the bottom of the pattern. I’m not sure what you bought but no money was sent my way for this pattern since I do not charge for it. I provided video help for the pattern, which is also free, the videos are linked in the pattern so I’m unsure what the inconvenience is? Unless someone sold you something they had no rights to?

  71. The pattern is written, in it’s entirety, on this blog, it is in 3 parts. I’m not sure what you bought but no money was sent my way for this pattern since I do not charge for it. I provided video help for the pattern, which is also free, the videos are linked in the pattern so I’m unsure what the inconvenience is? Unless someone sold you something they had no rights to?
    If you go to the top of the pattern, part one, scroll down *slowly*, you’ll find the links there to the other written parts and the playlist on YouTube.
    My apologies for answering as anonymous, I’m away from my computer atm and unable to sign on with my phone. But hope this helps anyway


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